The ATA Chronicle - January/February 2023 - 35
It can also be configured so that it warns you when a forbidden term has been used.
In the example in Figure 5 on page XX, instead of using " maccarello reale " in Italian
for " King Mackerel " in English, the translator used " Scomberomorus regalis. "
Please note that in most CAT tools you can set a QA warning when a forbidden term
is used as a translation for a given term or every time the forbidden term is used at all
(regardless of having a specific matching term in the source text).
you when a forbidden term
has been used.
In the example in
Figure 5, instead of using
" maccarello reale " in Italian
for " King Mackerel " in
English, the translator used
" Scomberomorus regalis. "
Please note that in most
CAT tools you can set a QA
warning when a forbidden
term is used as a translation
for a given term or every
time the forbidden term is
used at all (regardless of
having a specific matching
term in the source text).
Managing Term Entries:
Regular Expressions
Now that we've reviewed
how to create and work
with a termbase, let's focus
on the options for ongoing
term inclusion. This is when
regular expressions (RegEx)
may be useful.
A simple definition of
RegEx is that they are
sequences of characters
that define search
patterns. They are a set of
instructions understood as
a programming language.
RegEx involve using a
wide variety of characters,
each with its own specific
meaning, to form a string of
those characters meant to
represent a pattern that
can be matched against
other strings of text. RegEx
are utilized most often in
text searches, find-andreplace
operations, and for
input validation.
For example, in most CAT
tools the pipe (|) symbol is
used to indicate multiple
options for a match-either
expression to its left or right
matches the target string.
For example, " a|b " matches
Figure 5: QA tools showing a warning when a forbidden term has been used
Figure 5: QA tools showing a warning when a forbidden term has been used
Managing Term Entries: Regular Expressions
Now that we've reviewed how to create and work with a termbase, let's focus on the
options for ongoing term inclusion. This is when regular expressions (RegEx) may be useful.
match both the singular
" canciĆ³n " and the plural
" canciones. "
When using a termbase
with a QA tool, the use of
the " pipe " could prove a life
saver, especially in languages
with many variations like
Russian or Polish. Just by
inserting the pipe following
the root of the word, you'll
be able to eliminate all false
errors (also called " false
The ATA Chronicle - January/February 2023
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of The ATA Chronicle - January/February 2023
The ATA Chronicle - January/February 2023 - 1
The ATA Chronicle - January/February 2023 - Contents
The ATA Chronicle - January/February 2023 - 3
The ATA Chronicle - January/February 2023 - 4
The ATA Chronicle - January/February 2023 - 5
The ATA Chronicle - January/February 2023 - 6
The ATA Chronicle - January/February 2023 - 7
The ATA Chronicle - January/February 2023 - 8
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