Once you know which passive income stream to use and have an idea of what content to offer, create a strategy for your passive income offerings. product established on the platform of choice often results in a steady stream of sales. Be sure not to limit your SEO strategy to Google. Other platforms that might host digital products, such as Amazon or YouTube, harbor their own unique ecosystems with correspondingly unique SEO strategies. For the best results, research how SEO works on the specific platform you're using. Developing a strong social media presence is a more proactive way to get people interested in your projects. Social media accounts will enable you to actively engage with your target audience and push information out to them. This way of reaching clients is much more timeconsuming than SEO but also more dynamic. Once a strong social media presence is established with your target audience, just about any of your products or services can be sold on social media. It's possible to establish a strong social media presence rather quickly if you do a bit of research into the algorithms behind your social media platform of choice. Certain actions on a social media platform will cause you to shoot to the top with lots of followers while others will bury you in a sea of user accounts. Do your research and be specific about your goals and the platforms you intend to use. Getting Creative while Earning Money Digital products are a great way for translators to get creative with their client marketing strategies and generate extra income at the same time! Not only can the right digital product strategy help clients find you, but they also offer added value to clients both old and new. Carlie Sitzman, CT is an ATA-certified German>English translator with over 10 years of experience as a freelance translator and technical writer. She has an MA in intercultural German studies from the University of Bayreuth in Germany, as well as a BA in German and an associate of applied science degree in design graphics engineering technology from Weber State University. csitzman@sitzmanaetranslations.com www.ata-chronicle.online American Translators Association 15https://www.atanet.org/ata-events/virtual-events/translating-and-interpreting-the-future/ http://www.ata-chronicle.online