The ATA Chronicle - May/June 2023 - 19

to read and digest. So, write
to your clients like you were
speaking to them or sending
them an email.
Mention what you
enjoyed about the jobs in
your Experience section
and include visuals where
possible. Currently, LinkedIn
allows you to upload the
following file types: .pdf,
.ppt/.pptx, .doc/.docx, .jpg/.
jpeg, .png, and .gif (up to 100
MB in size). You can write
up to 2,000 characters in the
Experience descriptions, so
use this space well and make
it count. Remember, however,
that you want to keep
potential clients engaged, so
if you can say more with less,
that's okay, too!
Above All, Be Unique
Finally, make your
Experience section feel
like you. The point is to be
unique, stand out to your
clients, and not sound like
the next person who offers
similar services. And don't
forget to keep updating your
profile and experience! Even
if you've been freelancing
for 20+ years, your profile
could use a tweak from time
to time to appeal to the types
of clients you'd like to work
with more in the future.
What areas of the
Experience section of your
LinkedIn profile could use
an update? Do you have any
additional tips you can
share with our colleagues?
Feel free to reach out and
let me know!
Figure 2
Figure 3
1 Brown, Eileen. " How Useful Is LinkedIn when Almost Half of Profiles Have Outdated
Information? " ZNET (September 23, 2020).
Madalena Sánchez Zampaulo, CT is the president of ATA. A Spanish and
ATA-certified Portuguese>English translator, she is also the owner of Accessible
Translation Solutions and Pure Language Services. With more than 15 years of
experience in the language professions, she shares her knowledge and years
of research to help freelance translators and interpreters improve their online
presence by refining their professional profiles to attract their ideal clients while collectively
elevating and promoting our professions. She is also the author of The Online Presence
Roadmap: A Practical Guide to Confident Online Marketing for Translators and Interpreters.
American Translators Association 19

The ATA Chronicle - May/June 2023

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of The ATA Chronicle - May/June 2023

The ATA Chronicle - May/June 2023 - 1
The ATA Chronicle - May/June 2023 - Contents
The ATA Chronicle - May/June 2023 - 3
The ATA Chronicle - May/June 2023 - 4
The ATA Chronicle - May/June 2023 - 5
The ATA Chronicle - May/June 2023 - 6
The ATA Chronicle - May/June 2023 - 7
The ATA Chronicle - May/June 2023 - 8
The ATA Chronicle - May/June 2023 - 9
The ATA Chronicle - May/June 2023 - 10
The ATA Chronicle - May/June 2023 - 11
The ATA Chronicle - May/June 2023 - 12
The ATA Chronicle - May/June 2023 - 13
The ATA Chronicle - May/June 2023 - 14
The ATA Chronicle - May/June 2023 - 15
The ATA Chronicle - May/June 2023 - 16
The ATA Chronicle - May/June 2023 - 17
The ATA Chronicle - May/June 2023 - 18
The ATA Chronicle - May/June 2023 - 19
The ATA Chronicle - May/June 2023 - 20
The ATA Chronicle - May/June 2023 - 21
The ATA Chronicle - May/June 2023 - 22
The ATA Chronicle - May/June 2023 - 23
The ATA Chronicle - May/June 2023 - 24
The ATA Chronicle - May/June 2023 - 25
The ATA Chronicle - May/June 2023 - 26
The ATA Chronicle - May/June 2023 - 27
The ATA Chronicle - May/June 2023 - 28
The ATA Chronicle - May/June 2023 - 29
The ATA Chronicle - May/June 2023 - 30
The ATA Chronicle - May/June 2023 - 31
The ATA Chronicle - May/June 2023 - 32
The ATA Chronicle - May/June 2023 - 33
The ATA Chronicle - May/June 2023 - 34
The ATA Chronicle - May/June 2023 - 35
The ATA Chronicle - May/June 2023 - 36
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