If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; there is where they should be. Now put foundations under them. Henry David Thoreau Are you often out of position for handling the next obstacle because you have to stay close to your dog in the poles? Are you losing Qs because of pop-outs or missed entries? Is bad footwork in the poles slowing down your dog and keeping him from reaching his weaving potential? Or maybe you’re looking for a start-to-finish method for training your new agility dog? Ann Croft shows you the training progression from step one to the finished product, including what to do if things don’t go as planned. She demonstrates how to work with a dog that is food motivated as well as a dog that is toy motivated. You won’t believe the results! Your dog can have fast, reliable, and independent weave poles! ® www.cleanrun.com 16 Clean Run | February 08http://www.cleanrun.com