4 5 6 4 4 3 5 3 7 4 2 2 1 1 6 5 When the dog commits to #2 I move across to the serpentine position and cue the left turn to #3 with a right to left arm change as shown in Figure 4. This movement across before changing arms should also ensure the dog has driven to the takeoff side of #3. As the dog commits to #3, changing back from a left arm to a right arm cues the right turn and I drive toward the #4 tunnel until the dog commits to the tunnel as shown in Figure 5. You need to make sure that you drive into the tunnel until commitment so that deceleration cues are not weakened. Because you need to drive into the tunnel entrance it is unlikely you will be able to get back to the front cross positional cue at #5 at the time the dog is turning left in the tunnel. Therefore, I would choose to use a rear cross at #5, controlling the right turn to #6 as shown in Figure 6. May 12 | Clean Run 41http://www.stinemanawards.com http://www.stinemanawards.com