12 13 14 15 16 17 the first tunnel entrance as shown in Figure 12. Starting on your dog's left side and 5' behind him, run forward and clearly cue your right side as the active side. Release your dog just before you pass by the first tunnel entrance. If your dog ignores the first tunnel entrance and drives to your active side, throw a toy or food reward back to him as shown in Figure 13. Have a big party with your dog. July 14 | Clean Run Repeat this exercise with your left side as the active side. If your dog comes to the correct side, either reward him with food/tugging or cue him to take the second tunnel entrance. Continue repeating the exercise, gradually changing your dog's starting position so that he is looking directly at the tunnel entrance while he is in his stationary position. See Figures 14 through 16. Jump Place your dog in a stationary position 10' from the side of a jump. Starting on your dog's left side and 5' behind him, run forward and clearly cue your right side as the active side. Release your dog as you pass by the jump as shown in Figure 17. If your dog ignores the jump, reward him at your side. Repeat this exercise in the other direction, with your left side as the active side. 53http://www.cleanrun.com