Step 1 15 Step 2 16 17 Step 3 R Use a toy or treat to reinforce your dog for coming through the gap. Do this first part of the threadle many times before you add the second jump to complete the threadle. My steps are as follows: Indicate the jump with my left hand, immediately turn and face the dog as I take a step backward with my left leg and indicate the pull through with my right hand. I reward the dog out of my right hand. 18 Handler positioning Once your dog will come to your front, which is basically just the first part of a front cross, you are ready to show the next part of the threadle cue. I step backward again, this time with my right foot, and draw the dog toward me and the front of the jump. I never let my dog turn and take jump #2 until I indicate the jump by changing to left-arm/left-side handling again. The black handler has rotated and is now facing jump #2. She is stepping forward with her left leg and the dog is on her left side. 20 19 3 1 2 2 TH 3 TH The first part of a threadle is easy, it is just the beginning of a front cross. But if you do it very close to the first jump, you will need to move backward for more steps in order to reach the front of jump #2. Execute your threadle closer to the second jump if possible, from around the position shown. 1 Start your dog from a stay just in front of jump #1. Threadle through to #2 and turn your shoulders to cue #3. Take a short lead-out or stand close to #2 as you release your dog. As your dog is committing to take #2, change to using your right arm to cue the pull through to #3. Rent before you buy! s you to rent DVDs and view the videos Clean Run’s Video On Demand service allow Prices start at $9.95. Decide that you love from any computer with Internet access. ry? Contact customer service and get the DVD and want it for your own libra DVD. a $5 or $10 credit toward purchase of the d New DVDs ® 16 are being added monthly! Clean Run | August 13