Backyard Dogs By Mary Ellen Barry This month’s “Backyard Dogs” is designed to work front crosses and wraps. If you do not lead out to a stationary position, you will be rehearsing the sequences as if they were mid-course. Figure 1: Do a moving front cross between #2 and #3 and another front cross for the wrap at #3 (turning the dog to his left). Pull the dog to his right from #4 to #5. Do a front cross at the tunnel exit and finish with the dog on your right. Figure 2: Do a moving front cross from #2 to #3. Keep the dog on your right from #3 to #6. Do a front cross on the landing side of #6 and finish with the dog on your left. Figure 3: Start with the dog on your left. Wrap the dog to the inside (his right) on jump #4, using a post turn (to keep him on your left). Do a front cross on the takeoff side of jump #7 and pull to jump #8. Figure 4: Start with the dog on your right. Do a front cross after jump #6 while turning the dog to his left. Do a front cross at the tunnel exit and finish with the dog on your right. 5 4 4 3 5 3 6 2 6 7 2 7 1 1 2 8 1 5 7 6 6 4 3 7 3 5 8 2 If you do not lead out to a stationary position, you will be rehearsing the sequences as if they were mid-course. 3 8 2 1 4 4 9 1 8 Clean Run | October 11