4 5 3 2 1 2 6 3 1 4 1 2 5 3 X 4 Novice Focus Station 2 Novice Focus Station 3 Novice Focus Station 4 Ask handlers to practice this sequence with their dogs on both the right and left side for the weave poles. With leftsided weave poles, a rear cross at the tunnel entrance should be used. Does this present a problem for any teams? Practice giving plenty of reinforcements when dogs are successful on this rear cross. 2 Have handlers slow down after jump #3 and hang back a bit. If they send the dog forward over jump #4, the dog should begin to turn back toward the handler, thus allowing handlers to call their dog back toward the #5 tunnel opening. This long sequence makes it difficult for handlers to beat their dog and do an efficient front cross before the tunnel. 3 Challenge handlers to try this sequence two ways. They should try recalling their dog into the tunnel from the X and turning him to the right over jump #3. Then have the teams start the sequence with the dog on the right and try a front cross after the tunnel entrance, turning the dog to the left over jump #3. Which do they like better? Which works best for the full course? D 4 Build it Yourself with Furniture-grade PVC Fittings F the coolest dog under the sun! or Available At: • Reflect Away Sun’s Heat • Excellent Air Flow Through Mesh Fabric • Reduce Heat Fatigue • Unequaled Reflection and Cooling Wear Wet Or Dry! See our online catalog • Lightweight and Easy to Use www.furnituregradepvcfittings.com 407-677-1070 Experience the most effective K-9 Cooler made! Silver Shade Mesh Made i n the USA www.silvershademesh.com 81 November 07 | Clean Runhttp://www.furnituregradepvcfittings.com http://www.silvershademesh.com