5 4 3 4 6 3 4 3 5 5 6 2 7 4 7 2 6 2 8 5 7 6 1 1 1 Figure 4: Here are several options: a. Handle #1 through #4 on your left. Although you aren’t doing a rear cross at the weave poles, just crossing the plane, this maneuver proves to be a challenge for many dogs. Wrap the dog to the right at #4 followed by a front cross. The dog will be on your right for #5; see if you can serpentine #6 on your way out. I love skill building, it is so fun! b. Try a lead-out pivot at the end of #2 and a front cross at #3. Do a rear cross at #4, #5 will be on your right. Try either a front or a rear cross at #6. Finish up on #7. Skill building rocks! can pass the plane of #6 while the dog is still in the weave poles so that you are in position to cue #7. Do a front cross after the weave poles and finish up with the dog on your left. Figure 6: Try handling with the dog on your right for #1 through #5, do a front cross at #6, and finish up with the dog on your left for #6 and #7. Figure 5: Do a lead-out pivot between #2 and #3 and a front cross at the end of #3, handling #4 and #5 on your left. Do a front cross between #5 and #6. See if you November 12 | Clean Run 9http://www.letsgodesign.net http://www.letsgodesign.net