15 AVOId LONg LEAd-OUTS A B In both A and B, the black handler has chosen to lead out only as far as necessary. Of course it may not always be possible to do so, depending on the course. The longer lead-outs the orange handler has chosen in each scenario may exacerbate ETOs; however, for some dogs, the added motion of the black handler in B may also be a problem. November 17 | Clean Run 16 A ANgLEd APPROAChES TO JUMP #1 B In both A and B, the black handler has chosen to create angled approaches to the jumps and lead out only as far as necessary. The longer lead-outs and the direct, perpendicular approaches the orange handler has chosen may exacerbate ETOs. 21http://www.fitpawsusa.com http://www.cleanrun.com