53. Do this several times, standing 53 on both the left and right. 54 54. Put your dog into position and step away: return and reward and release. 55. Repeat this several times on 55 both sides. 56. Do some of the tricks you taught 56 on the narrow plank, such as backing up to the plank and touching it with his hind paws. 57. Place your target at the bot57 tom of the plank; then hold the dog on the contact trainer just above the target. Give the dog his target command and release him to go to his contact position. Reward the dog for a correct performance then release. 58. Repeat this several times on 58 both sides. Expect that the dog will make mistakes in the process. Ignore the mistakes and try again. The dog learns through your withholding the reward for mistakes and your rewarding for correct performance. 59 59. Start to backchain the end contact position by placing the dog farther back on the contact trainer. 60 60. Restrain the dog; then send to the target. Do not move forward with the dog yet. Wait until he goes to the target then step forward and reward. 61 61. Repeat this several times on both sides. 62 62. Move around the dog after the dog has driven into position and reward while doing so. 63 63. Start to add motion while sending the dog into position. 64 64. Step forward and walk past the dog as he is driving into position; then go back and reward. 65 65. Do a front cross while the dog is driving into position; then go back and reward. 66 66. Continue to backchain this behavior until you can start the dog on the table and send him into the two-on/two-off position at the end of the plank. 67 67. Do a rear cross after sending the dog into position. Once your dog understands the position you can start target work to drive into position. Teeter Training Preparation The next exercises prepare your dog for the skills needed for teeter training. You may use your 12' or 6' narrow plank for these exercises. If you have a dog that you feel might shy from movement, I recommend that you use the longer board because the tip is less noticeable. Attach a piece of a 2 x 4 or a section of 4" PVC pipe to the bottom of the plank. Place your tippy plank on the ground. • These exercises are suitable for dogs four to six months old. 68. Lead your dog to the down end 68 of the tippy plank. 69. Let your dog offer behaviors as 69 before. He will probably jump right on the plank. 70. Bring the dog near the middle of 70 the plank where it starts to tip. Braided leather agility martingales & leashes Dashing Dog Leads WEYBRIDGE AGILITY EQUIPMENT • • • • Contacts Jumps Weaves Plus more Custom sizes & color combinations Exclusively at www.dashingdogleads.com December 09 | Clean Run WEYBRIDGEAGILITY.COM • (586) 925-0480http://www.dashingdogleads.com http://www.weybridgeagility.com http://www.weybridgeagility.com http://www.dashingdogleads.com