COUNCIL ON AGING - ORANGE COUNTY Designed from the ground up to be the most innovative Adult Day Services Program in the country, Americana Getaway combines luxury and wellness with the highest service standards. Ensuring exceptional quality of life by promoting dignity and independence in the most stimulating and enjoyable manner possible. Guests may choose to relax with a massage in our on-site spa, experience the calm of nature in our garden, feast on mouth-watering buffet style meals or connect with loved ones in our internet lounge. a little easier; from transportation to extended hours, Our goal? To make our guests' lives a little better, our professional staff is dedicated to providing those we serve with a getaway day created specifically for them! Aug 6 8 am - Pick -up by Americana Getaway 8:30 am - Pa stry Meet wi th Make hair appt at AG Salon girls 9 am - Fitn ess Walk 10:30 am iPads & em ails 12 pm - Buffe t lunch with Book Club ga ng (upstairs) Eat more fru its & veggies (eas y to do at AG!) 1:30 pm - Ph ysical Therap y Appt at AG He alth & Welln ess (upstairs) 3 pm - Wii Go lf Tournam ent 4 pm - Aftern oon tea with Marge Ask AG diet ician about sodium intake 5:30 pm - AG shuttle hom e 111 Fashion Lane, Tustin, CA 92780 Phone: 949-734-0872 10 Answers Guide 2015 COUNCIl ON AGING - ORANGe COUNTY IS A 501 (C)3 NONpROFIT CORpORATION. TO DISTRIbUTe ANSweRS FRee OF COST, we mUST Sell ADveRTISING SpACe. wHIle we AppReCIATe THe pAID lISTINGS IN ANSweRS, THeIR Aging and Disability Resource Connection | 800-510-2020 | INClUSION does not imply a recommendation or endorsement of products or services by coaoc. AlwAYS be A vIGIlANT CONSUmeR. veRIFY INFORmATION AND SeeK ReFeReNCeS wHeRe AppROpRIATe.