COUNCIL ON AGING - ORANGE COUNTY USING THE GUIDE GETTING ThE MOST FROM ANSwERS 1 The table of contents lists articles in each chapter in alphabetical order 2 Non profit listings can be found at the end of each chapter 3 Category index can be found on page 143 4 Advertiser index page 144 CounCil on Aging orAnge County Important Phone Numbers CounCil on Aging MAin offiCe Programs and Services for Adults and their Families. Volunteer opportunities available. 714-479-0107 HiCAP Health Insurance Counseling & Advocacy Program No-Cost Service to Help Maximize Your Medicare Benefits 714-560-0424 long-terM CAre oMbudsMAn ProgrAM Support and Advocacy for Residents in Long-Term Care Facilities 1-800-300-6222 4 Answers Guide 2015 reConneCt eArly intervention serviCes Empowering Orange County Older Adults to Sustain Active and Healthy Lives 714-352-8820 friendly visitor ProgrAM Support and Friendship for Isolated Adults 714-352-8820 (fAst) finAnCiAl Abuse sPeCiAlty teAM Knowledge and Protection to Avoid Financial Predators 714-479-0107 sMileMAkers guild Provides Holiday Gifts for Lonely Seniors 714-479-0107 Answers guide Trusted Resource for Seniors and Their Families 714-619-2129 COUNCIl ON AGING - ORANGe COUNTY IS A 501 (C)3 NONpROFIT CORpORATION. TO DISTRIbUTe ANSweRS FRee OF COST, we mUST Sell ADveRTISING SpACe. wHIle we AppReCIATe THe pAID lISTINGS IN ANSweRS, THeIR Aging and Disability Resource Connection | 800-510-2020 | INClUSION does not imply a recommendation or endorsement of products or services by coaoc. AlwAYS be A vIGIlANT CONSUmeR. veRIFY INFORmATION AND SeeK ReFeReNCeS wHeRe AppROpRIATe.