COUNCIL ON AGING - ORANGE COUNTY Welcome to the Council On Aging's 5th Edition of the Answers Guide Welcome to the fifth edition! To some of you that may sound like the 70's musical group the Fifth Dimension, but I have to tell you it was music to my ears when a reader called to tell me she had so many questions but didn't know who to turn to for answers. She then proceeded to tell me she found her answers in our guide, then asked for another copy to share with a friend! It was five years ago at the Council on Aging when the concept of creating a meaningful resource guide for Orange County seniors and their families took root. Think small non-profit with no publishing experience, a staff of two and a part time volunteer to create that vision. I happened to be part of that staff and have had the continued privilege of participating in the evolution of what can only be considered today as the premier senior resource guide in Orange County. I am so proud of the growth and impact Answers guide continues to make annually in our community. We strive to keep you connected with current information and tools to help you navigate complex issues. Inside this issue you will read Jane Bryant Quinn's personal perspective on planning ahead for continuing care retirement. You will understand your Medicare rights when admitted to a hospital, and will learn how new technologies are changing patient care. This guide is for you, and I would like your feedback. Drop me a line and tell me what you would like to see more of in Answers. What articles did you like? Did you refer the guide to anyone? You can reach me at Better yet, my door is always open. Stop by the Council on Aging for our Changing Lives tour, on the third Wednesday of each month and learn about our no cost programs and services. You will leave inspired. Marilyn Fedorow Marilyn Fedorow Editor In Chief 6 Answers Guide 2015 COUNCIl ON AGING - ORANGe COUNTY IS A 501 (C)3 NONpROFIT CORpORATION. TO DISTRIbUTe ANSweRS FRee OF COST, we mUST Sell ADveRTISING SpACe. wHIle we AppReCIATe THe pAID lISTINGS IN ANSweRS, THeIR Aging and Disability Resource Connection | 800-510-2020 | INClUSION does not imply a recommendation or endorsement of products or services by coaoc. AlwAYS be A vIGIlANT CONSUmeR. veRIFY INFORmATION AND SeeK ReFeReNCeS wHeRe AppROpRIATe.