COUNCIL ON AGING - ORANGE COUNTY FINANCE & LEGAL SENIORS ARE MOST VULNERABLE TO FINANCIAL ABUSE Financial fraud is the fastest growing form of elder abuse today. The Council on Aging's Financial Abuse Specialist Team (FAST) is active in helping to protect at-risk seniors who are more likely to be a target of scams and fraud. Don't Get Scammed Protect: Guard your card Detect: Review your Medicare statement Report: If you have been a target Contact: 1-855-613-7080 Protect yourself and your loved one. FAST sponsors free senior self-defense classes that cover scams, identity theft and other forms of fraud. When financial elder abuse is reported, FAST is able to refer a victim to community resources for assistance. We Understand. We Care. We Help. Funded in part by the US Administration on Community Living 1971 E. 4th Street, Suite 200 | Santa Ana, CA 714.479.0107 | 88 Answers Guide 2015 COUNCIl ON AGING - ORANGe COUNTY IS A 501 (C)3 NONpROFIT CORpORATION. TO DISTRIbUTe ANSweRS FRee OF COST, we mUST Sell ADveRTISING SpACe. wHIle we AppReCIATe THe pAID lISTINGS IN ANSweRS, THeIR Aging and Disability Resource Connection | 800-510-2020 | INClUSION does not imply a recommendation or endorsement of products or services by coaoc. AlwAYS be A vIGIlANT CONSUmeR. veRIFY INFORmATION AND SeeK ReFeReNCeS wHeRe AppROpRIATe.