COUNCIL ON AGING - ORANGE COUNTY Proudly Serving Orange County for 20 Years For information about CalOptima, please call Customer Service at 1-800-587-8088 or visit us at INSURANCE PACE Do you know someone age 55 or older who: * Could benefit from improved nutrition and physical, occupational or speech therapy * Doesn't follow up with scheduled doctor visits, despite having medical needs * Has trouble with managing medication as prescribed * Has an inadequate or overburdened support system * Needs socialization, recreation or mental stimulation * Has chronic and/or complex medical needs and could benefit from close and frequent supervision * Needs transportation to and from adult day services and medical appointments *Other requirements include residing in our service area, having the ability to live safely in the community and meeting the nursing facility level of care requirements as determined by the State of California. Participants must receive all needed services, other than emergency care, from CalOptima PACE providers and will be personally responsible for any unauthorized or out-of-network services. CalOptima PACE If someone you know has a combination of these conditions, CalOptima's Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) may be able to help.* Call us today at: 1-714-468-1100 The people in the photographs that appear in this document are models and used for illustrative purposes only. Council On Aging-Orange County | 714-479-0107 | Answers Guide 2015 93