COUNCIL ON AGING - ORANGE COUNTY MEDICARE IS COMPLEX AND CONFUSING INSURANCE ... BUT IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE! Whether you are new to Medicare or considering a change to your coverage, our experienced Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program (HICAP) counselors can help you understand your insurance options and how you can maximize your benefits while minimizing your costs. At no cost to you, our HICAP counselors help you understand: * Benefits and enrollment * Prescription drug plans and coverage * Medicare Advantage plans * Supplemental policies (Medigaps) * Affordable Care Act * Long-term Care Insurance For a full list of Medicare and Long-Term Care classes, call us or visit us on the web at 1971 E. 4th Street, Suite 200 | Santa Ana, CA 800.434.0222 | The production of this (report/document/etc.) was supported by a grant from the federal Administration for Community Living (ACL). Its contents are solely the responsibility of the Council on Aging - Orange County and do not necessarily represent the official views of ACL. Council On Aging-Orange County | 714-479-0107 | Answers Guide 2015 97