municipal/public spaces: best of category Project Wuhan pixel box Cinema Where Wuhan, China Designer one plus partnership A cinema designed by One Plus Partnership breaks down screen technology to its most basic element: the pixel. A wall in the lobby features pixel-like horizontal beams that reach out from the wall at varying lengths, creating impromptu tables, seats, and light boxes. The digital theme also carries to the design of a "tent" that encapsulates the ticket area and is made from stainless steel plates with a mirror finish that creates a pixelated reflection of people passing by. -Cody Calamaio residence: best of category Project private residence Where beijing, China Designer robarts interiors and Architecture Maximizing spaciousness and openness was the goal of the design for a penthouse in the heart of Beijing's business district. A 164-foot-long expanse of north-facing windows connects the apartment to the presence of the city. Natural wood tones with olive green accents, local stone, and black lacquered floors contrast soft tones of Chinese rugs and luxury custom furniture. -Cody Calamaio 92 april 2014 photogrAphy: Courtesy of iiDA Competition: iiDA best of AsiA pACifiC