CONCIERGE SERVICE TO TRACK USE AND CLEANING TEAM SPACE DAYLIGHT INDIVIDUAL QUIET SPACE COWORKING SPACE SUITE: CHOICE AND VARIETY NE A R TERM, N EXT STEPS: Project real estate portfolio impacts. Plan for both square footage reduction and increases based on data and research. Study locations to trim real estate holdings where prudent. LONG -TERM PO L ICIES: Empathy in the workplace. Empathy training for managers and colleagues to understand how to give emotional support. Practice personal check-ins, including team meetings, client interface, and other group sessions. VARIETY OF WORKING SPACE TYPES DESIGNED FOR SOCIAL DISTANCING CHOICE AMBIENT LIGHT CHOICES TO BE ALONE, IN SMALL GROUPS OR COLLABORATION VIRTUAL COLLABORATION: MERGING REMOTE WITH THE OFFICE NE A R TERM, N EXT STEPS: Test pilot projects. Test productivity and technology with remote workers. Test workflow for productivity for teams. Test phased return to work option scenarios. VR WALL VIRTUAL EXTENDED MEETING SPACE SHARED VIRTUAL WHITE BOARD VOICE-ENABLED TECHNOLOGY FLEXIBLE SEATING ALLOWING FOR SOCIAL DISTANCING TRA NS ITIO N PERIO D, CH AN GE MA N AG EMEN T STRATEGY: Design for culture. Develop technology protocols for building culture-virtual happy hours, team activity sites, and shared experiences. Create in-office social and cultural zones for visiting remote workers. Provide a concierge service for in-office and remote workers. LONG -TERM PO L ICIES: Culture by design. Develop guidelines for spaces (real and virtual) that value and inspire participation and loyalty. Go beyond space to create networks and practices that promote company culture. DIGITAL DISPLAY contract