ADVERTISEMENT TV DRIVES DIGITAL Research Conducted by TVSquared Critical Automotive Insights Effectv partnered with TV Squared in a recent study of 2020 automotive campaigns to evaluate the impact TV has on driving website traffic and engagement to connect with consumers during these times. The automotive industry saw dips in website traffic in March and April but has since shown signs of recovery for brands that continued their investment. Between March and April 2020, brands that ran COVID-19 related creatives saw superior lifts in immediate website visitors over those that did not adjust. Maintaining a consistent schedule had an even greater effect: brands that ran adjusted ads week after week saw an increase in immediate visitors versus those with inconsistent schedules who saw a visitor decrease. Maintaining brand presence triggers a "memory effect" among consumers. The study found that those that remained on-air experienced a prolonged impact of increased website engagement in subsequent weeks. Those that went off-air saw website visits drop. ©2020 Comcast. All rights reserved. Comcast confidential and proprietary information.