What advice would you give to a person considering a career in the auto industry? Be ready to put your mark on this industry. This will require you to challenge yourself and the status quo. Be proactive, authentic, curious and disciplined. What job do you really want to have in the future? I hope what I have learned during my professional journey will help me become a great CEO or chief operating officer of a luxury brand. What do you do to relax? I listen to different kinds of music. I also like to read as well as visit art and design shows. What is your pet peeve? I avoid being around people who lack authenticity and emotional intelligence. The only way to build a winning team is by filling it with people who have strong values and a real desire to make the world a better place. What was your first car? A Honda Civic that was formerly my mother's car. Current car? An Alfa Romeo Giulia Q4. If you were a car, which one would you be? A 1954 Maserati A6 GCS Berlinetta. 2019 47