What job do you really want to have in the future? This one. I have been a CEO since I was 24. I think my entrepreneurial spirit will define me throughout my career. Who knows, I may start another company. What do you do to relax? When I am on a plane I use the forced digital detox to enjoy things such as reading, napping or simply clearing my mind. What is your pet peeve? I started my own business because I am a decision-maker. I have little patience for slow processes and people who are indecisive and won't take a stand. What was your first car? A red Ford Fiesta. Current car? I get to test lots of different cars. Currently I'm driving a Jeep Grand Cherokee. If you were a car, which one would you be? A Lancia Delta HF Integrale because it was my favorite car as a kid. It's fast, offers outstanding performance and has a timeless design. 2019 51