What advice would you give to a person considering a career in the auto industry? Know your strengths and limitations and set short-term goals. Always keep learning. And, no matter what happens, always believe in yourself. What job do you really want to have in the future? I will leave this question to my future employer. What do you do to relax? I spend time family and friends. I also meditate regularly and spend the summer in our farmhouse. What is your pet peeve? Compromising on quality at work. What was your first car? A 1990 Ambassador Mark 4 diesel from my dad. Current car? I prefer using Uber, MyTaxi and ride-sharing services. If you were a car, which one would you be? I would be a self-driving car from Waymo. Or, better yet, since I have spent most of my career working with automotive suppliers on ECUs that is what I would be, the brain of the car controlling the engine management system in a combustion-drive car, the battery management system in an EV or the advanced driver assistance system in an autonomous vehicle. 2019 59