What advice would you give to a person considering a career in the auto industry? Be ready to give it all of your energy and be ready to start again from scratch. It's a race that never ends. You have to really like this industry. What job do you really want to have in the future? I would like to have my own automotive company. What do you do to relax? I spend time with my family and play with my kids. And I really like to play video games. What is your pet peeve? I really don't like to wait. I also dislike long meetings. What was your first car? A Peugeot 205. I still consider it to be legendary. Current car? My company car is a Mercedes-Benz C class. My personal vehicle is a BMW 4 series. If you were a car, which one would you be? I would be a BMW i8. Maybe this Rising Star award will inspire my boss to give me one as my company car? 2019 79