18 AUTOMOTIVE NEWS CANADA * N O V E M B E R 2 020 BEST DEALERS 2020 IN A NEW ECONOMY EDITOR'S NOTE: THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC STRUCK just as preparations were under way for Automotive News Canada's annual Best Dealerships to Work For program. At that time, dealers were thrust into uncertainty, and staff - many of whom were laid off - were concerned over their jobs and their health and their families. The proper approach was to cancel the program for 2020 and look to reinstate it for 2021. However, it became more important than ever to tell some of their stories... CANADA'S AUTO DEALERS STEPPED UP WHEN COVID-19 FORCED GOVERNMENTS to shut down economies across the country earlier this year. Retailers rushed to the aid of their communities while pivoting their own businesses to cope with new rules, changing consumer behaviour, and revenue and expense challenges. Their stories and best practices, developed over the past eight months, are the subject of this special section. PAGES 18-25 EXCLUSIVE SPONSOR