Welcoming New Canadians to our country As Canada continues to rebuild from the impact of the pandemic, immigration will act as a key economic driver that can help address labour shortages and strengthen the social and economic fabric of our communities. New to Canada by the numbers * +1 million growth of Canada population in 2022 * 96% of this growth because of international immigration * 437,120 permanent residents * 607,782 temporarily (study+work permits) * By 2041, 29% to 34% of the population will consist of immigrants Scotiabank's StartRight™ Program provides targeted support to newcomers, from unlimited no-fee international money transfers and no-fee accounts for the first year to qualified and inclusive expertise from welcoming advisors across the country. ® Registered trademarks of the Bank of Nova Scotia. ™ Trademarks of The Bank of Nova Scotia. * Conditions subject to change. Sources: https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/230322/dq230322f-eng.htm?CMP=mstatcan https://www.cicnews.com/2023/03/how-immigration-helped-canada-set-a-new-population-growth-record-in-2022-0334020.html#gs.2bm2kbhttps://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/230322/dq230322f-eng.htm?CMP=mstatcan https://www.cicnews.com/2023/03/how-immigration-helped-canada-set-a-new-population-growth-record-in-2022-0334020.html#gs.2bm2kb