IMPROVE RETENTION AND INCREASE CUSTOMER PAY AlloyGator is designed and manufactured in the UK. We are the only MIRA cer�fied rim protec�on product in the market, making AlloyGator the most advanced rim protec�on product in the world. AlloyGator wheel protec�onprevents costly curb rash to your wheels due to low speed impact. Our NEW profile fits 12" to 24" and currently we have 15 colors to choose from, giving the customer a choice on either a discreet or personalized look. Designed as a universal fit accessory, AlloyGators fit 90% of OEM rim and �re combina�ons. When integrated in to your dealership process, AlloyGator rim protec�on is not only an excep�onal reten�on tool, it is a quality replenishing revenue stream that will absolutely increase your CP dollars per RO. Install them on your courtesy cars or mobility fleet to reduce recondi�oning costs, and improve CSI. "Automotive accessory sales are a $36 billion dollar market. Dealers capture less than 5% of this market" Differen�ate your wheel and �re business from your compe��on, and drive your customers back to you by adding AlloyGator to your wheel packages. "We are not reinven�ng the wheel-Just protec�ng it" Alloygator USA Visit us at: Head office:: 10780 Cambie Road Richmond BC. 1-855-53-GATOR (42867) SEMA