FIXED OPS JOURNAL FEEDBACK Service adviser's recommendation carries most weight Golden word Q: When your vehicle is at a dealership and needs a replacement part, what is the primary driver of your choice? O ALL CUSTOMERS ne factor stands out when it comes to customers choosing replacement parts at franchised dealerships. About half of consumers polled by DealerRater on behalf of Fixed Ops Journal in February said the recommendation of the service adviser or technician outweighs all other factors. The automaker's brand was the next-biggest impetus, followed closely by price. Owners of luxury cars were more likely to be swayed by automaker parts than owners of mass-market brands. Not surprisingly, mass-market customers were more influenced by price than their luxury counterparts. The performance claims surrounding a part and in-dealership marketing displays made little dent in consumer considerations. Recommendation from adviser/technician 49% Automaker-branded part 23% Lowest price 20% Performance claim 7% In-department display 1% MASSMARKET 49% 22% 21% 7% 1% LUXURY 51% 25% 16% 7% 1% Source: DealerRater survey conducted Feb. 9-15 of 10,682 consumers who visit new-vehicle dealerships WITH AN OPTIMIZED INVENTORY The right stock can make all the difference. Don't miss a sale with Mighty's Inventory Optimization program. It uses proprietary software tools to analyze your local market, identify stock challenges and make adjustments to optimize your inventory. Increase your bay efficiency without tying up excess cash - BE MIGHTIER! Get your free inventory analysis at QUALIT Y PRODUCTS IN V E N T O RY M A N AG E ME N T BUSINESS INSIGHT C U S TO M I Z E D T R A I N I N G APRIL 2021 S015_AN_20210412.indd 15 PAGE 15 4/1/21 12:13 PM