FIXED OPS JOURNAL inside February 2022 10 features 10 Cover story: Tire sales remain vital to keep customers coming back 14 16 14 Tread lightly: Does mobile tire service make sense for dealerships? 18 On track: AI technology helps keep technician ineffi ciency at bay 19 Smart money: Texas dealership schools staff in fi nancial literacy 22 Right answer: Automated phone service unburdens advisers departments 4 Editor's Letter 6 Guest Column 8 Legal Lane THE TOOLBOX 16 Spotlight 17 Feedback Fixed in Time Newsmaker 17 ON THE COVER: Why do dealerships want to sell more tires? They know if they do, customers will come back. Story on PAGE 10. FIXED OPS JOURNAL ILLUSTRATION Fixed Ops Journal Staff EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Dan Shine l MANAGING EDITOR: Mary Beth Vander Schaaf DESIGNER: Steve Massie l REPORTER: Richard Truett COPY EDITORS: Amy Butters, Tim Good, Elizabeth Hardy, Cindy Orosco-Wright CORRESPONDENTS: Eric Freedman, Julie Halpert, Ken Wysocky ADVERTISING: Sara Hartman, Business Development Manager, FEBRUARY 2022 PAGE 3