NOVEMBER 9, 2020 * 73W 10 0 L E A D I N G W O M E N By the NUMBERS A numerical look at the careers and experiences of the 100 Leading Women 78 75 31 1 68 18 72 2 3 are on the list for the first time Titles CEO ..................19 President ...........11 CMO ...................6 COO ....................5 CIO .....................2 Age of the oldest have at least one postgraduate degree Age of the youngest has been on all five lists were college athletes companies represented 3 5 1 18 50 40 45 Linamar CEO Linda Hasenfratz 5 5 25 45 79 34 Have you experienced gender discrimination in the auto industry? n Yes n No n No response Have you been given the same opportunities as your male counterparts? n Yes n No n No response 2 4 6 16 61 35 23 How many companies in the auto industry have you worked for? n1 n2 n 3 or more n No response 1 ¾ are extroverts 3 How long have you worked in the auto industry? n Over 25 years n 21 to 25 years n 13 to 20 years n 8 to 12 years n 4 to 7 years n 3 years or less Has your career contributed to a major sacrifice or disruption in your personal life? n No n Yes n No response 1 12 12 12 87 82 What's your marital status? n Married/domestic partnership n Separated/divorced n Never married n Widowed n No response 88 Do you have children? n Yes n No Has your company created a workplace with sufficient flexibility for work-life balance? n Yes n No n No response