SPONSORED BY: F O X O D A G R N A I P G A K C THE A P C I T S A L P 30 Octobe r, 2019 * 1 4:00 GMT/ 15:00 CES T THE PARADOX OF PLASTIC PACKAGING Packaging. It's the first thing people see when they see a product on the shelf. Packaging is one of the most important ways brands communicate with customers about their products. And plastics - with their almost infinite variety of textures, colours, haptic and other sensory properties - can be tailored to deliver whatever visual message a brand wishes to convey. Yet, even more importantly, today's packaging is also a miracle of engineering. Lightweight and durable, it protects goods in the supply chain and extends the shelf life of food which helps to prevent food waste, is safe and hygienic. Yet no other plastic product has drawn quite so much criticism. How is the industry responding? What are the trends? What does the future look like for plastic packaging? Karen Laird Editor, Plastics News Europe Don Loepp Editor, Plastics News REGISTER NOW: PLASTICSNEWSEUROPE.COM/PACKAGINGPARADOXhttp://www.plasticsnewseurope.com/packagingparadox