Shift Magazine - Issue 1 2018 - 9
into our cars
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Next, it's important to take an inventory of what's at risk of attack and by whom. Since it's too expensive to protect all assets, automotive companies
should determine which are their most valuable and focus aggressively on protecting them. Companies also need to categorize and prioritize the kinds
of threats they are facing, now and in the next few years, as well as the perpetrators most likely to do damage.
To best respond to an incident, automakers should think about who will respond and how before something goes wrong. Manufacturers should
develop a matrix that can be used to situate attacks on a graduated scale of potential impact based on brand, financial, or operational damage, the
number and type of systems compromised, and plans for notifying stakeholders. A working group including representatives from the IT, legal, and
corporate communications departments can implement the response and help minimize confusion and delay.
Automakers should take the lead in making sure suppliers are abiding by the cybersecurity plans they develop for their operations, just as they should
for their cars. Smaller vendors present special risks, since they tend to have less stringent security protocols, so contracts should include audit clauses
and mandated testing procedures.
Fighting fire with fire Automakers need the right processes to
fight cyberattacks. But proper planning isn't enough. Advanced
technological defenses coordinated across all production platforms
and throughout the supply chain need to be built. Careful control of
sensitive data must be maintained even as it's shared between
factories, among suppliers, and with other key stakeholders. Cloudbased services provide real-time updates that aggregate information
and keep defenses fresh and dynamic, making them a solid choice.
But it's equally important to deploy and configure tools that meet
each organization's specific
operating circumstances.
Cybersecurity is likely to remain a core concern for both legacy
automakers, who have valuable brands and customer relationships to
maintain, as well as for disruptive new entrants, who are still building trust
and seeking mainstream adoption of their vehicles. Keeping hackers from
penetrating vehicles and the factories where they're built could require
manufacturers to think differently about how cars are designed, tested, and
made. And it could mean enhanced oversight and closer partnership with
suppliers. These changes may not always be easy, but they're necessary to
keep the automotive industry (safely) on the road to the future.
Taking an enterprise-wide view is critical. Compared to other types
of fraud, cybercrime was rated as twice as likely to have a potential
impact on organizations over the next two years, according to PwC's
most recent Global Economic Crime and Fraud Survey. And it's the
most common form of fraud faced by U.S. companies, with phishing
and malware making up the majority of attacks.
Read PwC's full Cyber Readiness report for the automotive industry at
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Please see for further details. This content is for general information purposes only, and should not be used as a substitute for consultation with professional advisors.
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Shift Magazine - Issue 1 2018
Shift Magazine - Issue 1 2018
From the Editor
Movable Type
Trend Spotting
Think Like a Disrupter
New Motor City?
Negative Space
Old Problems
Last Mile
Shift Magazine - Issue 1 2018 - Intro
Shift Magazine - Issue 1 2018 - Shift Magazine - Issue 1 2018
Shift Magazine - Issue 1 2018 - Contents
Shift Magazine - Issue 1 2018 - From the Editor
Shift Magazine - Issue 1 2018 - Q&A
Shift Magazine - Issue 1 2018 - Movable Type
Shift Magazine - Issue 1 2018 - Trend Spotting
Shift Magazine - Issue 1 2018 - 7
Shift Magazine - Issue 1 2018 - 8
Shift Magazine - Issue 1 2018 - 9
Shift Magazine - Issue 1 2018 - Think Like a Disrupter
Shift Magazine - Issue 1 2018 - 11
Shift Magazine - Issue 1 2018 - New Motor City?
Shift Magazine - Issue 1 2018 - 13
Shift Magazine - Issue 1 2018 - Negative Space
Shift Magazine - Issue 1 2018 - 15
Shift Magazine - Issue 1 2018 - 16
Shift Magazine - Issue 1 2018 - 17
Shift Magazine - Issue 1 2018 - Battlegrounds
Shift Magazine - Issue 1 2018 - 19
Shift Magazine - Issue 1 2018 - 20
Shift Magazine - Issue 1 2018 - 21
Shift Magazine - Issue 1 2018 - Old Problems
Shift Magazine - Issue 1 2018 - Last Mile
Shift Magazine - Issue 1 2018 - Cover4