JAN 4 19 The price of personalization Virtual assistants go beyond chat contents FROM THE EDITOR 5 6 LETTERS RUNNING HOT AND COLD Getting comfortable with AI 8 PUSH FOR PRIVACY How California law could affect connected cars 11 'A TICKING TIME BOMB' Opinion: Dealers must prepare for the California Consumer Privacy Act 14 RIGHT ON TARGET Dealerships' sharpest marketing tool 16 DID YOU KNOW? Dawn of The Matrix? The truth about AI 17 THEY'VE GOT GAME Epic battles of man vs. machine 18 SEAMLESS SHOPPING For dealers, all roads lead to sales 2020 FOLLOW THE LEADERS 20 KEEPING UP WITH THE COBOTS Putting robotic co-workers on the line 22 8 16 'SUPERPOWER' STARTUPS Honda backs pair of smart ventures 24 MISFORTUNE TELLERS Prognostics help see trouble down the road 26 20 FORD'S FORMULA How automaker keeps data, AI in the mix 27 Q&A Marketer sees untapped data 'gold mine' 28 29 WASH, RINSE, REPEAT Do this before reselling a car 29 'SELF-HEALING' SOFTWARE Israeli company is cracking the code 30 LAST MILE Elon Musk's issue with AI February 2020 COVER DESIGN: Rachael Russell 19