PA Foundation Annual Report 2012 - (Page 7)

G LO B A L O U T R E A C H G R A N T S ROBERT K. PEDERSEN GLOBAL OUTREACH HUMANITARIAN ASSISTANCE GRANTS The Robert K. Pedersen Global Outreach Humanitarian Assistance Grant Program was established in 2005 through a gift from Don and Kathy Pedersen’s Family Foundation to create an endowment in memory of Don’s father, who was an international businessman. This program provides financial support to projects involving PAs and PA students in humanitarian activities designed to improve the quality of life in underserved areas of developing countries and the United States. The grants are intended to promote sustainable development in the areas of healthcare and health education for populations and communities in need. Funding is provided for projects that enhance or expand existing programs and provide the participating PAs and students an invaluable learning experience in healthcare delivery, leadership and project management. The Foundation’s global outreach grants have supported worthwhile projects in Africa, Asia, Central and South America, the Caribbean Islands, former Soviet Union countries and the United States. In 2012, grants supported PA-led humanitarian outreach programs in Guatemala, Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic. Global outreach grants are funded from several sources: • The Robert K. Pedersen Global Outreach Endowment — The Pedersens have been physician assistants for more than 30 years — Don as professor and director of the University of Utah PA Program, and Kathy as a primary care PA at the Community Health Centers of Salt Lake City. • Chevron Corporation and other corporate partners • Individual donors Physician Assistant Foundation 2012 ANNUAL REPORT 7

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of PA Foundation Annual Report 2012

PA Foundation Annual Report 2012
Global Outreach Grants
A PAramount Evening
Corporate Partners
New Website and Online Fundraising System

PA Foundation Annual Report 2012