APIC Daily News 2011 Preview - (Page 5)

2011 APIC Annual Conference Preview Issue • 5 A We all need continuous education to keep up with the constant PIC Village, a section of check your email at the Internet demands of a dynamic environthe exhibit hall devoted Station. ment affected by regulatory comexclusively to APIC activA highlight of the APIC Vilpliance. I want to stress the support ities, offers a new twist on the lage will be the enhanced opporeach of us needs from our colconference experience. Designed tunities for networking, both leagues. I also want with a casual, neighborhood formally and informally. The to share a personal feel, the Village provides a place lounge-like atmosphere prostory on why you for attendees to relax, connect, vides the perfect setting to catch MUST attend the and learn– all at the same time! up with old friends or to connect conference. In the Village, attendees can with new ones. Or, during lunch When I was at the browse new APIC products and (provided free) each day, stop by 2008 Denver APIC services and catch an informa- the “Village Café,” where modConference, I heard tive and entertaining Film Fes- erators will be hosting small disDr. Poland (Mayo tival entry. Try out a hands- cussions focused on particular Vaccine Researcher) on demonstration of the APIC topic areas and practice settings. discuss why healthANYWHERE™ Online Edu- Join a table, and enjoy your care workers must cation Center and its new con- lunch as you engage with coltake the influenza tent, or gear up for International leagues with similar interests on vaccine. He disInfection Prevention Week with the infection prevention issues cussed a mother Be sure to enjoy some steamed crabs during your time the first opportunity to purchase that matter most to you. Let the who had had a bone in Baltimore. (Photo courtesy of Visit Baltimore.) official logo merchandise (free conversation flow! marrow transplant shipping on all orders placed Be sure to stop by the APIC and died from a healthcare-asso- rate was 99.9 percent. on site!). Catch up on the latest Village daily to take advantage ciated case of influenza. He later I hope to see you at APIC 2011 in news in infection prevention of special activities throughout went on to indicate that nurses had June. Perhaps you will attend and in the APIC Reading Room, or the conference. the worst vaccination rates. As a return to your job more energized, as most of us do. It’s a chance not only to learn, but also to support one another. If you do attend, don’t Don’t miss the April 15 early registration deadline. forget to try some crabs and get the Click here to register today! official Baltimore “hon” hairstyle while you’re here. “APIC Village” Adds New Dimension to Conference Experience Baltimore Continued from page 1 nurse, I sank in my chair, but I was also angry. But that anger turned into passion, as it led me to write a white paper on why our healthcare system, MedStar Health, should mandate influenza vaccinations. I am proud to say that our organization mandated influenza vaccinations in 2009 and our compliance PROTECT YOUR CASEWORK Protect your casework from harmful bacteria and other microbes that can cause staining, deterioration and odors. Our casework is available with an additional treatment that: • Controls microbial growth without the use of heavy metals, silver or poisons • Remains functional throughout the lifetime of the surface • Does not leach or migrate into the environment • Does not support adaptive organisms • Is EPA registered with 30 years of safe and effective use Visit us at the APIC conference in booth #1222. To learn more, let’s talk. Ph. 989.496.9510 Fx. 989.496.9928 casesystems.com http://www.apic.org/source/orders/index.cfm?section=store http://www.apic.org/Content/NavigationMenu/Education/OnlineLearning/APIC_Anywhere.htm http://www.apic.org/Content/NavigationMenu/Education/OnlineLearning/APIC_Anywhere.htm http://www.apic.org/AM/Template.cfm?Section=2010_International_Infection_Prevention_Week&Template=/CM/HTMLDisplay.cfm&ContentID=16317 http://www.apic.org/AM/Template.cfm?Section=2010_International_Infection_Prevention_Week&Template=/CM/HTMLDisplay.cfm&ContentID=16317 http://conference.apic.org/AM/Template.cfm?Section=Register_to_Attend http://www.casesystems.com http://www.casesystems.com

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of APIC Daily News 2011 Preview

APIC Daily News 2011 Preview
Annual Conference Highlights
APIC Village
Exhibit Hall
Keynote Speakers
APIC Housing Bureau
Enter to Win!
Dining in Baltimore

APIC Daily News 2011 Preview
