ASH News Daily 2014 - Day 2 - (Page B-1)
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7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
West Building, Lobby - First Floor
7:30 - 9:00 a.m.
Education/Scientific Program
9:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Poster Session II - Viewing
North Building, Hall E and West
Building, West Exhibit Hall
9:30 - 11:00 a.m.
Education/Scientific Program
10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Exhibits Open
South Building, Exhibit Hall A-C
11:15 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Trainee Simultaneous Didactic
Open only to trainees wearing a blue
11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Product Theaters in Exhibit Hall
South Building, Exhibit Hall A-C
12:00 noon - 1:30 p.m.
Simultaneous Oral Sessions
4:30 - 6:00 p.m.
Spotlight Sessions
4:30 - 6:30 p.m.
Simultaneous Oral Sessions
6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Poster Session II - Presentations
North Building, Hall E and West
Building, West Exhibit Hall
6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Poster Hall Reception
North Building, Hall E and West
Building, West Exhibit Hall
Public Service and
Outstanding Service
ASH Scholar Awards
Mary Rodes Gibson
San Francisco
Travel Guide
Wallace H. Coulter Award Recipient Dr. Kanti Rai
Reflects on Career Filled with Love, Friendship
oday ASH will recognize relationships with those he serves.
Kanti R. Rai, MD, of the Hofs- Throughout his 50-year career, Dr.
tra North Shore - Long Island Rai has pioneered contemporary
Jewish School of Medicine, with its approaches in the diagnoses, evalumost prestigious award - the Wal- ation, and management of patients
lace H. Coulter Award for Lifetime with CLL and was among the first
Achievement in Hematology. The doctors to preach the "watch-andwait" role of observaaward is bestowed on
tion and evaluation in
an individual who has
the application of chebeen a vital contribumotherapy to patients.
tor to the field of hemaYet, even with all of
tology, demonstrating
lifetime achievement
accomplishments, Dr.
and leadership in reRai is most consistently
search, education, and
noted for his humble
and calming approach
For Dr. Rai, the
to patient care and
award also recognizes
his exceptional care of
Growing up in the
patients. He is currentcity of Jodhpur, Inly serving as the chief Kanti R. Rai, MD
dia, Dr. Rai originally
of the Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) Research and found himself drawn to the idea
Treatment Program at North Shore- of being a pediatrician, taking care
LIJ Cancer Institute. Dr. Rai has of the children in the poorer rural
been noted for both his tireless re- areas outside of the city. His origisearch and his exemplary ability to nal inspiration was his uncle, a lodevelop and maintain warm, caring cal physician in Jodhpur. "I can tell
you from my earliest memories as
a child that I was fascinated by my
uncle's method of practicing medicine in a small town," Dr. Rai said.
"By his approach to his patients and
their families, his devotion to them,
his being available to them 24/7,
and, in return, the love and admiration he received, I could tell that
medicine indeed was the most satisfying and rewarding profession."
While he was first drawn to the
world of pediatrics, true to his nature, Dr. Rai is quick to credit those
who encouraged his interest in hematology, and he remembers in
detail the moment he first decided
hematology was his field of choice.
Dr. Rai relayed that it was by accident or serendipity that he pursued a career as a hematologist. "I
was serving on-call one evening
in 1958 at North Shore Hospital
in Long Island when I admitted a
lively three-year-old girl named
Laurie. She had been seen by a
Grover Bagby and John DiPersio to be
Honored with 2014 Mentor Awards
SH places great emphasis on the training and development of early-career
hematologists, and each year, the
Society honors two exceptional
individuals who, like ASH, recognize the value of mentorship. This
year's recipients are two highly
regarded individuals who support
the next generation of hematologists. This afternoon, ASH will recognize Grover C. Bagby Jr., MD,
and John DiPersio, MD, PhD, with
the 2014 Mentor Awards for basic
science and clinical investigation,
Grover C. Bagby Jr.
Dr. Bagby is professor of medicine and molecular and medical
genetics at Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) and is the
founding director of
OHSU's Knight Cancer Institute and former
chief of hematology and
medical oncology at
OHSU and the Portland
Administration Medical Center. He
will be presented with
the basic science award
for his steadfast mentorship of more than 40 former trainees and faculty Grover C. Bagby Jr., MD John DiPersio, MD, PhD
members both within
the United States and abroad. Dr. searchers, policy makers, and adBagby's mentees cite his selfless ministrators.
His inspiring and motivational
leadership and caring dedication
to the development of scientific ex- approach to mentorship is what
pertise and tradition as critical ele- helped distinguish his 46-year caments of his success in influencing reer as a role model and teacher.
the lives of his trainees, who now
serve as successful clinicians, re-
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of ASH News Daily 2014 - Day 2
Table of Contents
ASH News Daily 2014 - Day 2