ASH News Daily 2017 - Issue 4 - A-1

ASH NewS DAily

59th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology
Issue 4, Section A
Tuesday, December 12, 2017
Atlanta, GA

7:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Georgia World Congress Center
(Building A, Level 1, Hall A1)
7:30 - 9:30 a.m.
Late-Breaking Abstracts Session
Georgia World Congress Center
(Building C, Level 1, Hall C2-C3)
9:30 - 9:45 a.m.
Announcement of Awards:
William Dameshek Prize,
Henry M. Stratton Medal
Georgia World Congress Center
(Building C, Level 1, Hall C2-C3)
9:45 - 11:15 a.m.
Presidential Symposium
Georgia World Congress Center
(Building C, Level 1, Hall C2-C3)
11:15 - 11:30 a.m.
Business Meeting
Georgia World Congress Center
(Building C, Level 1, Hall C2-C3)
11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Best of ASH
Georgia World Congress Center
(Building C, Level 1, Hall C2-C3)

The "Certainty Principle" in Medicine
By Binod dhakal, Md, MS, and
Mehdi haMadani, Md


n 1927, a brilliant physicist
from Germany, Werner Heisenberg, introduced the now wellknown "Heisenberg Uncertainty
Principle" that would become pivotal for the development of quantum mechanics. The principle asserts the fundamental limit to the
precision with which certain pairs
of physical properties of a particle
can be known. Modern medicine
however, particularly the field
of oncology, is rapidly moving
toward a precision medicine approach as the molecular underpinnings of disease evolution are
made possible. One of the major
goals of cancer research has been
to gain a better understanding of
the genetic changes responsible
for the establishment of the "cancer clone" and the "key pathways"
that could be targeted therapeuti-

The Best Is Yet to Come: Late Breaking
Abstracts Poised to Steal the Show
By Saad uSMani, Md


re you a glass-half-empty
or glass-half-full kind of
hematologist? If the meet-

New Treatments

cally. New insights
into human cancers
are emerging from
basic research; this
has the potential to
revolutionize disease
therapeutics, and clinical
First coined by
Rudolph Virchow in
have long served as a
model disease for biology and treatment.
Remarkable progress
has been made in the
past 50 years in our
understanding of the
that underlie pediatric
Dr. James R. Downing presents the E. Donnall
leukemia. As a result,
Thomas Lecture.
acquithe "transient remissions" induced
sition of additional
knowledge and advances have by aminopterin, as described by
been seen in leukemia therapy since

ing content this year has not satisfied your intellect, the late-breaking
abstracts (LBAs) being presented
on Tuesday morning (7:30-9:00
a.m., Hall C2-C3), surely will. The

session is being co-chaired by Drs.
Adam Cuker and Laurie Sehn and
covers abstracts in both malignant
and nonmalignant hematology.
The first abstract being presented
by Dr. Marie Scully is on the results
of the randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled phase III
Hercules trial of caplacizumab in
patients with acquired thrombotic
thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP).
Caplacizumab is a nanobody that
blocks binding of platelets to von
Willebrand factor. In the Hercules
study, addition of caplacizumab to
standard-of-care plasma exchange
and steroids for TTP resulted in decreased time-to-platelet response,
reduced a composite outcome of
TTP-related death, recurrence of
TTP, or a major thromboembolic
event. According to session co-chair
Dr. Cuker, "Caplacizumab may be
an important addition to the TTP


Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of ASH News Daily 2017 - Issue 4

ASH News Daily 2017 - Issue 4 - A-1
ASH News Daily 2017 - Issue 4 - A-2
ASH News Daily 2017 - Issue 4 - A-3
ASH News Daily 2017 - Issue 4 - A-4
ASH News Daily 2017 - Issue 4 - A-5
ASH News Daily 2017 - Issue 4 - A-6
ASH News Daily 2017 - Issue 4 - A-7
ASH News Daily 2017 - Issue 4 - A-8