Davita Code of Conduct 2013 - 7

How To Use This Code
DaVita’s Code of Conduct helps teammates make the right choices.
Each of us is responsible to act in a manner that reflects our Core Values. This Code is meant to help
us conduct business in a legal, ethical manner that is consistent with our Core Values and to guide our
understanding of DaVita’s compliance structure, key policies and procedures and certain applicable laws
and regulations. The standards described in this Code apply in all countries where we conduct business.
We are subject to the laws and regulations of the country in which we work. In addition, because our parent
company, DaVita HealthCare Partners Inc., is a U.S. company, U.S. law may apply to conduct that occurs
outside the United States (for example, anti-corruption and anti-bribery laws). If you are unsure about which
policies and procedures or laws and regulations apply to your activities, consult your supervisor, Team Quest
(Compliance), the Legal team (Justice League of DaVita or JLD). We also hold our business partners, affiliated
physicians, vendors and other third parties to the same standards and expect them to comply with DaVita’s
policies and procedures, all applicable laws and regulations, and this Code.
Click the magnifying glass to jump to relevant Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). FAQs
provide examples of how to apply the material to our day-to-day activities. Note: the FAQs are
on page 31 of this document.
Policies and Procedures for U.S. Businesses
Look for these icons throughout the Code to find policies and procedures and other resources that
address DaVita’s U.S. operations in more detail and provide specific guidance on the respective topic.
U.S. Teammates
Click the DaVita Dancing Star to review related Compliance Policies and Procedures, which
provide more detailed guidance on specific Compliance-related matters.
Click the People Services logo to review the Teammate Policies, which provide more detailed
guidance on specific People Services-related matters.
Physicians: Click on the Physician icon to review applicable Compliance policies and procedures.
Vendors: Click on the Vendor icon to review applicable Compliance policies and procedures.
Note: These icons may only be available through the DaVita network or may require logon
credentials. If you are unable to access these policies and procedures, contact your supervisor
or DaVita business contact, Team Quest, Human Resources (People Services) or JLD for
copies of the policies and procedures.
Policies and Procedures for Businesses Outside the U.S.
Contact your supervisor or DaVita business contact, Team Quest, People Services or JLD for copies of
policies and procedures that apply to your specific location and business activities.

Davita Code of Conduct 2013

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Davita Code of Conduct 2013

Davita Code of Conduct 2013
Our Compliance Program
Service to our Patients
Relationships with Others
Avoid Conflicts of Interest
Respect Each Other
Business Practices
Protect DaVita Assets
Obey the Law
Our Communities
Frequently Asked Questions
Davita Code of Conduct 2013 - Davita Code of Conduct 2013
Davita Code of Conduct 2013 - 2
Davita Code of Conduct 2013 - 3
Davita Code of Conduct 2013 - 4
Davita Code of Conduct 2013 - 5
Davita Code of Conduct 2013 - 6
Davita Code of Conduct 2013 - 7
Davita Code of Conduct 2013 - Contents
Davita Code of Conduct 2013 - 9
Davita Code of Conduct 2013 - Our Compliance Program
Davita Code of Conduct 2013 - 11
Davita Code of Conduct 2013 - 12
Davita Code of Conduct 2013 - 13
Davita Code of Conduct 2013 - Service to our Patients
Davita Code of Conduct 2013 - 15
Davita Code of Conduct 2013 - Relationships with Others
Davita Code of Conduct 2013 - 17
Davita Code of Conduct 2013 - Avoid Conflicts of Interest
Davita Code of Conduct 2013 - 19
Davita Code of Conduct 2013 - Respect Each Other
Davita Code of Conduct 2013 - 21
Davita Code of Conduct 2013 - 22
Davita Code of Conduct 2013 - Business Practices
Davita Code of Conduct 2013 - Protect DaVita Assets
Davita Code of Conduct 2013 - 25
Davita Code of Conduct 2013 - Obey the Law
Davita Code of Conduct 2013 - 27
Davita Code of Conduct 2013 - Our Communities
Davita Code of Conduct 2013 - Conclusion
Davita Code of Conduct 2013 - 30
Davita Code of Conduct 2013 - Frequently Asked Questions
Davita Code of Conduct 2013 - 32
Davita Code of Conduct 2013 - 33
Davita Code of Conduct 2013 - 34
Davita Code of Conduct 2013 - 35
Davita Code of Conduct 2013 - 36
Davita Code of Conduct 2013 - 37
Davita Code of Conduct 2013 - Resources
Davita Code of Conduct 2013 - 39
Davita Code of Conduct 2013 - 40