Sudbury Living - Winter 2007 - (Page 3)

“Giv e m e t h e luxuries of life a nd I will willingly d o without the necessities.” F r a n k LL o y d Wr IGht WIntEr 2007 Stephen Chapman of Studio Flowers shows how to keep it simple, reusable and environment friendly for the holidays. on th E C o VEr Cover photo by Ja me s h odgins Photography 11 7 17 19 23 27 29 31 38 45 49 59 dECor Fo o d home built for the 1960s is surprisingly contemporary in 2007. Chef Marc Senechal is in the prime of life at new Sudbury restaurant. d rIn k ristorante Verdicchio specializes in Italian wines. PEoPLE Composer robert Lemay has a passion for modern classical music. t r aVE L Sudbury snowbirds seek sun and sea. Pa S S Io nS Few will be able to own a car like the 2006 Ford Gt, but we can dream. In dU L G En C E S F aShI o n hE aL t h Ideas for holiday gift giving. Steppin’ out in festive, fabulous, flirty evening dresses. thanks to advances in cosmetic dentistry, people no longer have to grin and bear it. Weighing your options for the holidays. a r tS despite challenges, art Gallery of Sudbury curator Celeste Scopelites is finally getting to the good part.

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Sudbury Living - Winter 2007

Table of Contents
Weighing your options for the holidays
On the Cover

Sudbury Living - Winter 2007