Sudbury Living - Winter 2007 - (Page 45)

Thanks to Hollywood and “makeover” TV shows, people are taking a good look in the mirror. Advances in dentistry means people born with less than perfect smiles can have a mouthful of pearly whites. The demand for cosmetic dentistry has grown in Greater Sudbury. Dentist Dr. Roch St-Aubin is known for his work in cosmetic dentistry. Many other dentists in the area are also offering these services. “Sometimes people are laid off, and they find themselves with great backgrounds, but have appearances that aren’t as marketable,” he said. “They (can) fix themselves up by doing a makeover. They fix up their teeth, get laser eye surgery, lose some weight and change their wardrobe. “Teeth are a major part of your appearance because people look at your mouth when you talk. If you go into an interview, and the rest of you is really nice, but your teeth aren’t nice, they’re going to say. ‘What else is he holding back’?” St-Aubin said when he finishes a restoration on a patient’s teeth, the difference in the appearance is usually “like night and day.” There are also sometimes health reasons to get cosmetic dentistry done. It allows people to chew food properly, and also it boosts self-esteem, which may improve mental health. Although the procedures are expensive, some Dr. roch St-Aubin people have good dental insurance plans that cover PHOTOS BY MARG SEREGELYI the costs. continued on page 46 Smile! BY HEIDI ULRICHSEN experience life your body, your mind! Tel.: (705) 522-0689 2147 Armstrong St., Sudbury • E-mail: Winter 2007 Sudbury Living 45

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Sudbury Living - Winter 2007

Table of Contents
Weighing your options for the holidays
On the Cover

Sudbury Living - Winter 2007