GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS HOW WE ARE SUCCEEDING vacancies, and obstacles present in moving towards creating a 100% telework environment were alleviated largely by the team's foundation in the SMARTER culture. Communication has been key to acclimating to our new normal. Chief of Management Operations, Rhonda Cheatham and Executive Assistant, Anita Patterson have managed the acquisition and scheduling of our various virtual platforms and have kept the team informed and connected. We established two weekly working group meetings: 1) The Essentialsapproximately 30 staff responsible for the delivery of our "essential" functions and services; and, 2) The Incredibles-five senior managers overseeing the broader functions of the Cluster. We have hosted two All-Hands meetings with the entire Cluster via Zoom to address GOC CONTINUES TOP 10 ACTIONS TAKEN IN FIRST 90 DAYS 1. Purchase Zoom subscription 2. Identify critical functions that could not be done remotely- develop corresponding plan to address 3. Setup Microsoft Teams for meetings and file sharing 4. Acquire laptops from the Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO); submit purchase order request for additional laptops; coordinate VPN setup and laptop distribution 5. Develop training materials and conduct job training 6. Develop Virtual Onboarding program 7. Request/receive temporary systems access for new employees from Office of Financial Systems and Operations (OFOS) 8. Develop new procedures/processes for/with client agencies who were experiencing similar challenges and limitations towards conducting routine business 9. Purchase Adobe Pro subscriptions for staff, allowing us to modify documents and use a digital signature 10. Interpret and apply the CARES Act and other federal funding streams to our client agencies. > FALL 2020 | 39