LOOKS DO MATTER. FINISHES + MATERIALS. No brand story is the same and your fixtures shouldn't be either. This is why we designed a modular display system that could be adapted to the needs of every retailer. Using finishes and materials you can set the tone and create a unique look all your own. Choose from our carefully curated, trend-forward finishes and materials to transform your fixture selection and express the values of your brand. HIGH PRESSURE LAMINATES BY PANOLAM, PIONITE AND NEVAMAR Specify for panels, shelves and table/counter tops. Compatible with all fixture collections. KINDRED SPIRIT NEVAMAR WU0030-WE OUTER LIMITS NEVAMAR WU0010-WE S'MORES PIONITE WP500-SD COOKIES+ CREAM PIONITE AG1301-SM SUGAR PIE PIONITE AG081-SM ALSO AVAILABLE: ICE WHITE PIONITE SW813-SD BLACK PIONITE SE101-SD PEACH COBBLER PIONITE WT850-SD BABBLING BROOK NEVAMAR WW7800-SD PALAZZO NEVAMAR WK0024-SD TRYTOO SAVATRE PIONITE WC105-SD AGED OAK OMNOVA 530162 BROWN AGED OAK OMNOVA 531535 NEGOTIATING IN GENEVA SILVER, NEVAMAR PFA60 3D LAMINATES BY OMNOVA Specify for panels, shelves and Evolve Trim Kits. WHITEWASHED OAK OMNOVA 532473 14 (800) 248 OPTO GRAY AGED OAK ONMOVA 531533 SMOKEHOUSE OAK OMNOVA 531474