045 B rick-and-mortar stores should be used as a central hub or distribution point. Smaller, more nimble stores or "outposts" should be used to reach customers for true on-demand retail shopping. These stores should be considered a "temporary retail expansion" plan, or what's commonly known as mobile retail stores. Our solution is a true mobile retail solution that will allow retailers to expand their retail footprint to either 1) bring their products out to customers where they live, gather or shop; or 2) expand their current store for seasonal needs (i.e. this past Mother's Day when they needed extra retail space for Mother's Day merchandise). ON WHEELS, WILL TRAVEL Submitted by: Flexetail What retail channel is it best suited for? Retailers who need temporary retail expansion. Where is it located in-store? It is mobile, so it should travel to the customers. How does it work? Our patent-pending technology will allow us to quickly set up. How does this enhance the customer experience? By having the retailer go to the customers.