Digital Dealer - December 2017 - 14
Continued from pg. 13
connection! I didn't even
get into all of the other
forms of communication
opportunities like:
Text messaging
Video email
Video text messaging
Video social media
Apple Facetime / Skype
Social Media communications (like Facebook or
Instagram "DM")
The question is how in
the world can a showroom
sales team follow up with
ALL of that (and at that
level) while doing all of
the "traditional" showroom
sales activities? The answer is, it is impossible!
Let me explain by sharing an experience I had
while speaking at an elite
NADA Ford 20 Group. I
was speaking with a GM
of a single-point Ford
dealership located down
South. The GM was very
proud to profile his dealership for me:
Single-Point Ford Dealership
27 Sales Consultants
4 Sales Managers
Plus a GM and 2 F&I
Total of 34 Automotive
Professionals and Managers
When I asked him how
many units he delivered
from phone and internet,
without blinking he said,
"111." I said, "Your organization is MASSIVELY underperforming!" He looked
at me like I was crazy
but I quickly explained
that if you do just basic
math... 300 - 111 = 189.
Divide 189 by the 27 sales
consultants. That means
if you take phone ups and
internet ups out of the
equation, then the sales
team is only averaging
seven units per salesperson per month! And without giving him a second
to breath I added, "And,
if you are paying them on
bonuses for volume, you
are paying and incentivizing them to be complacent
with mediocrity!" He still
seemed confused so I
explained, "There are
eight ways a showroom
sales consultant can sell
an automobile:"
1. Walk-In
2. Be-Back
3. Internet Up
4. Phone Up
5. Prior Customer / Orphan Owner
6. Referral
7. Service Conversion
8. Prospecting
If you take phone and
internet out of the equation and the sales team
is only averaging seven
units per month per salesperson. But yet there are
six entirely different other
ways to sell a car. What
are they doing? What are
they not doing? He almost
fell out of the chair. He
got it.
Let me go even deeper.
His dealership was
designed for showroom
operations with HR and
marketing. But the reality
was the vast amount of
opportunities flowing in
were for Internet Sales
and Phone Sales. So, his
team was focusing their
time on reacting to those
opportunities. They were
the low-hanging fruit and
well in abundance!
Here is the worst part...
D I G I TA L D E A L E R . C O M
Because his dealership
was not set up the correct
way, their internet operation was not yielding as
many units as they could
have because they did
NOT have the infrastructure in place to receive
maximum return.
If they had the infrastructure similar to Route
4 in New Jersey, they
could have easily NET
increased another 60-70
units from the Internet /
BDC side of the business. AND if they had the
proper amount of people
(and the right people,
trained with the right
processes) on the internet
/ phone side, that would
have freed up all 27 sales
consultants to spend the
proper amount of time,
attention and skill on the
other six ways they could
sell an automobile like:
1. Maximizing fresh
walk-in traffic
2. Increasing be-backs
3. Working the service
drive for service conversions
4. Maximizing ALL prior
customers and orphan
5. Generate MORE
referrals and create more
referral agents
6. Prospect more,
provide more deals that
do NOT come from the
**If the dealership was
able to modestly increase the average units
delivered per salesperson
per month from 7 to 9,
the dealership would be
able to achieve a NET
increase of 54 additional
units from the showroom
side! That is a total NET
increase from both the
showroom and internet /
phone side of 114-124 (at
$2,000 per copy). That is
an additional $280,000 per
month additional revenue
and almost 3.5 MILLION
additional revenue the first
year. All of that by understanding the "cheese" has
been moved. There is a
NEW way to do business.
Dealers need to accept this,
make adjustments in their
strategy and this will allow
them to absolutely begin
to generate more revenue
This is NOT an idea or a
hypothetical. This is REALITY. The dealers that want
to sell more cars, more
often and more profitability
are the ones that evolve.
The dealers that don't will
have to be complacent with
mediocrity or risk getting
destroyed by competition.
If you would like to learn
more about how to find
your "cheese," email me at
for a free strategy session.
It would be my pleasure to
assist you.
an entrepreneur, published
author, speaker, and awardwinning international trainer.
He is a eight-time NADA/
ATD convention speaker and
a FranklinCovey Certified
Facilitator. He has earned the
coveted "CSP" designation
in the National Speakers
Association. Sean is also a
member of the elite "Million
Dollar Speakers Group" in
the NSA, as well as a State
Association Speaker and
Trainer. He has spoken at
over 217 NCM and NADA 20
Groups. Sean has personally
trained over 25,000 automotive
sales professionals in 1,100
unique roof tops. EMAIL:
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Digital Dealer - December 2017
Digital Dealer - December 2017
A Letter from the Show Director
What Real Commitment Looks Like
Could Your Culture Use a Little MAGIC?
3 Must-Dos to Combat Dealer Margin Declines
The Internet & Phones Are the NEW “Showroom” … Your Cheese Has Been Moved
Your Limitation Is Not What You Don't Have, It's What You're Not Using
Year-End Spend Management Assessment – Setting Up for a Successful 2018
Vehicle Merchandising: Use Features Not Price
One Size Fits All No Longer Applies
Your People Are Your Brand!
6 Reasons to Do an Annual Social Media
Are You Future Ready?
Rethink How to Market with Facebook and Instagram
What Your Dealership Can Learn from Carvana
Disrupting the Buying Cycle: Turning Service Leads into Sales Dollars
How Online Payments Can Be the Catalyst for a Superior Customer Experience
We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Tech Training – We Have Good Teeth
Dealers Say Fixed Ops is the Most Important Department
Digital Dealer - December 2017 - Digital Dealer - December 2017
Digital Dealer - December 2017 - Cover2
Digital Dealer - December 2017 - 1
Digital Dealer - December 2017 - Contents
Digital Dealer - December 2017 - 3
Digital Dealer - December 2017 - A Letter from the Show Director
Digital Dealer - December 2017 - 5
Digital Dealer - December 2017 - What Real Commitment Looks Like
Digital Dealer - December 2017 - 7
Digital Dealer - December 2017 - Could Your Culture Use a Little MAGIC?
Digital Dealer - December 2017 - 9
Digital Dealer - December 2017 - 3 Must-Dos to Combat Dealer Margin Declines
Digital Dealer - December 2017 - 11
Digital Dealer - December 2017 - The Internet & Phones Are the NEW “Showroom” … Your Cheese Has Been Moved
Digital Dealer - December 2017 - 13
Digital Dealer - December 2017 - 14
Digital Dealer - December 2017 - Your Limitation Is Not What You Don't Have, It's What You're Not Using
Digital Dealer - December 2017 - 16
Digital Dealer - December 2017 - 17
Digital Dealer - December 2017 - Year-End Spend Management Assessment – Setting Up for a Successful 2018
Digital Dealer - December 2017 - 19
Digital Dealer - December 2017 - Vehicle Merchandising: Use Features Not Price
Digital Dealer - December 2017 - 21
Digital Dealer - December 2017 - One Size Fits All No Longer Applies
Digital Dealer - December 2017 - 23
Digital Dealer - December 2017 - Your People Are Your Brand!
Digital Dealer - December 2017 - 25
Digital Dealer - December 2017 - KATIE BOWMAN COLEMAN Bowman Chevrolet
Digital Dealer - December 2017 - 27
Digital Dealer - December 2017 - 28
Digital Dealer - December 2017 - 29
Digital Dealer - December 2017 - 6 Reasons to Do an Annual Social Media
Digital Dealer - December 2017 - 31
Digital Dealer - December 2017 - Are You Future Ready?
Digital Dealer - December 2017 - 33
Digital Dealer - December 2017 - Rethink How to Market with Facebook and Instagram
Digital Dealer - December 2017 - 35
Digital Dealer - December 2017 - What Your Dealership Can Learn from Carvana
Digital Dealer - December 2017 - 37
Digital Dealer - December 2017 - Disrupting the Buying Cycle: Turning Service Leads into Sales Dollars
Digital Dealer - December 2017 - 39
Digital Dealer - December 2017 - How Online Payments Can Be the Catalyst for a Superior Customer Experience
Digital Dealer - December 2017 - 41
Digital Dealer - December 2017 - We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Tech Training – We Have Good Teeth
Digital Dealer - December 2017 - 43
Digital Dealer - December 2017 - 44
Digital Dealer - December 2017 - Dealers Say Fixed Ops is the Most Important Department
Digital Dealer - December 2017 - 46
Digital Dealer - December 2017 - 47
Digital Dealer - December 2017 - 48
Digital Dealer - December 2017 - Cover3
Digital Dealer - December 2017 - Cover4