Why Attend Digital Dealer? Our attendees tell us they attend Digital Dealer because of the variety and relevancy of our 100+ educational sessions and the chance to hear from seasoned automotive and digital experts from dealerships and admired brands such as Google and Facebook. Announcing our Featured Keynote Our opening keynote is extremely relevant in the 2020 election year - join us to hear Phillip Stutts, a political-marketing mastermind, discuss What Political Marketers Know That Business Marketers Don't. Check out the rest of the schedule at digitaldealer.com/education. DEFY GRAVITY APRIL 6-8 2020 | RO S EN S H INGLE CR EEK | OR LANDO, FL Register today D I G I TA L D E A L E R . C O M / R E G I S T E Rhttp://www.digitaldealer.com/education http://www.DIGITALDEALER.COM/REGISTER http://www.DIGITALDEALER.COM/REGISTER