Digital Dealer - January 2020 - 37

uncover the specific metrics to
achieve success.
Always map out a strategy
as you would for anything else.
Just like GPS on your phone,
you need to know where
you're going and the best
route to get to your destination on time and in great

well, and maintain a working
knowledge of storytelling
It's also important to
manage the community you're
building. The bigger a dealership's presence gets, the
more important to integrate
community management
into daily job duties. People
are commenting, sending
messages, and writing reviews
- replies are expected.

Data Analysis

There is a massive shortage
of marketers that are skilled
in the art of data analysis. A
recent study found that only
three percent of marketers are
competent in analyzing data!
In digital marketing, every
visitor, view, click, and share
is tracked. Sifting through the
mountain of data to review
each month can be exhausting.
Of course, while marketing
creative and execution are
important, measuring and
analyzing results are too. They
go together like peanut butter
and jelly; One without the other only gets you halfway there.

Social Media Savvy

Social media has grown up,
graduated college, got married, had kids and is staring
down the barrel at middle age.
Every dealership marketer in
2020 should be a regular user
of social media personally, as
well as professionally, which
requires being savvy in the
social environment.
To remain competitive, marketers should possess social
finesse, be able to tell stories

January 2020


The art of business is the
constant readjustment to our
customer's needs.
Digital media has transformed all facets of modern
lifestyle and culture. There's
hardly any aspect of modern
society that has remained untouched by the digital media
Navigating this can be
treacherous. How can you
continue to build your business while at the same time,
make sure you're utilizing the
latest and best solutions? Be
flexible and ready to adapt to
new, uncomfortable ways to
attract and engage customers.
Stay on your toes and be
willing to respond to new
information as it arises. To
create a truly flexible digital
strategy, you need to incorporate adaptability into your
marketing structure.


Marketing automation refers
to software platforms and

technologies designed for
dealerships to more effectively market on multiple channels online and automate
repetitive tasks.
According to the Deloitte's
Connecting Small Business in
the U.S. report, 80% of U.S.
small businesses aren't taking
full advantage of digital tools
such as data analytics and
more sophisticated online
The marketing automation
space grows exponentially
each year. As marketing
automation tools continue to
improve and multiply, it won't
get any easier to navigate in
2020. Shrewd marketers command the use of specific tools
while also investigating and
re-evaluating to discover new
and enhanced solutions.


Humans are predictably
irrational, readily sidetracked
and constantly making decisions. And the more decisions
we make in a given day, the
worse we get at it.
Decisiveness is an element
of great leadership.
In today's marketing, it's
not only what you put out
there to attract customers
that counts - it's what you
do once they see it and start
interacting with it.
I see so many dealerships
still trying to keep a veil up
between themselves and their
customers. Most of it is habit
from the old days of advertising and PR. Those dealerships who work decisively at
removing this barrier will be
positioned for success in the

Dealerships that connect with
consumers on a human level
will win in 2020.
It's a skill to interact with
customers and to do it well
demands decisiveness. Often
that interaction requires
thinking on your feet, which
calls for confidence, patience,
empathy, gratitude, and courage. All those skills make for
better decisions and happier,
engaged customers.
And speaking of empathy...


Putting yourself in your
customers' shoes and seeing
things from their perspective
helps a great deal with understanding customer needs,
creating meaningful marketing, and ultimately satisfying
their queries enough to get
them to act.
Empathy is also the key
to outstanding customer
experience. As social media
has become more integrated
with how we communicate,
and how your customers
prefer to communicate with
you, dealerships must develop
protocols to successfully
address customers' needs and
inquiries (ie: lead process).
In tense situations, when
there's a comments/online
reviews section and there's an
audience watching, a marketing manager may not always
deliver a solution, but she/he
can always deliver empathy.
When you put yourself in
your customer's shoes, it gets
easier to acknowledge struggles and think critically about
the best solutions.

[ d i g i t a l d e a l e r. c o m ]


Digital Dealer - January 2020

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Digital Dealer - January 2020

Digital Dealer - January 2020
Up to Speed | Tech, Dealer News, & People on the Move
Interview With Facebook
Culture Seven Key Rules of Culture
Reputation & Loyalty What’s Your Dealership’s Reputation Worth?
Vehicle Valuation Discontinued Sedans Demonstrate Remarkable Staying Power in Terms of Valuation
Process & Performance Preparing for the Industry Ahead
Exclusive Interview With Liz Dimmitt of Dimmitt Chevrolet
Digital Dealer: What's New & What's Next
Video What’s Working in Auto Tv Advertising
Social Media Intelligent Social Media Strategy
Content Strategy Ad Copy Power Points!
Video Next Wave of Mobile-First Revolution
Social Media Mastering Social Media
Lead Handling 5 Ways Dealerships Lose Online Leads
Process & Performance Retail Resolutions to Drive Results
Fixed Operations the Fluid Fails Before the Part: A Sales Opportunity!
Customer Experience Make the Customer Experience Fun and Boost Sales
Social Seen | Snapshots of the Auto Retail Scene
What's Ahead | Auto Retail Vendors Announce Solutions Headed to Nada 2020
Digital Dealer - January 2020 - CT1
Digital Dealer - January 2020 - CT2
Digital Dealer - January 2020 - Digital Dealer - January 2020
Digital Dealer - January 2020 - Cover2
Digital Dealer - January 2020 - 1
Digital Dealer - January 2020 - 2
Digital Dealer - January 2020 - 3
Digital Dealer - January 2020 - 4
Digital Dealer - January 2020 - 5
Digital Dealer - January 2020 - 6
Digital Dealer - January 2020 - 7
Digital Dealer - January 2020 - Up to Speed | Tech, Dealer News, & People on the Move
Digital Dealer - January 2020 - 9
Digital Dealer - January 2020 - Interview With Facebook
Digital Dealer - January 2020 - 11
Digital Dealer - January 2020 - Culture Seven Key Rules of Culture
Digital Dealer - January 2020 - 13
Digital Dealer - January 2020 - Reputation & Loyalty What’s Your Dealership’s Reputation Worth?
Digital Dealer - January 2020 - 15
Digital Dealer - January 2020 - Vehicle Valuation Discontinued Sedans Demonstrate Remarkable Staying Power in Terms of Valuation
Digital Dealer - January 2020 - Process & Performance Preparing for the Industry Ahead
Digital Dealer - January 2020 - 18
Digital Dealer - January 2020 - 19
Digital Dealer - January 2020 - Exclusive Interview With Liz Dimmitt of Dimmitt Chevrolet
Digital Dealer - January 2020 - 21
Digital Dealer - January 2020 - 22
Digital Dealer - January 2020 - 23
Digital Dealer - January 2020 - 24
Digital Dealer - January 2020 - 25
Digital Dealer - January 2020 - Digital Dealer: What's New & What's Next
Digital Dealer - January 2020 - 27
Digital Dealer - January 2020 - Video What’s Working in Auto Tv Advertising
Digital Dealer - January 2020 - 29
Digital Dealer - January 2020 - Social Media Intelligent Social Media Strategy
Digital Dealer - January 2020 - 31
Digital Dealer - January 2020 - Content Strategy Ad Copy Power Points!
Digital Dealer - January 2020 - 33
Digital Dealer - January 2020 - Video Next Wave of Mobile-First Revolution
Digital Dealer - January 2020 - 35
Digital Dealer - January 2020 - Social Media Mastering Social Media
Digital Dealer - January 2020 - 37
Digital Dealer - January 2020 - 38
Digital Dealer - January 2020 - 39
Digital Dealer - January 2020 - Lead Handling 5 Ways Dealerships Lose Online Leads
Digital Dealer - January 2020 - Process & Performance Retail Resolutions to Drive Results
Digital Dealer - January 2020 - Fixed Operations the Fluid Fails Before the Part: A Sales Opportunity!
Digital Dealer - January 2020 - Customer Experience Make the Customer Experience Fun and Boost Sales
Digital Dealer - January 2020 - 44
Digital Dealer - January 2020 - Social Seen | Snapshots of the Auto Retail Scene
Digital Dealer - January 2020 - 46
Digital Dealer - January 2020 - 47
Digital Dealer - January 2020 - What's Ahead | Auto Retail Vendors Announce Solutions Headed to Nada 2020
Digital Dealer - January 2020 - Cover3
Digital Dealer - January 2020 - Cover4