FEBRUARY 2020 D I G I TA L D E A L E R . C O M Direct from How to Win Parts & Service Business P AGE 6 + DIGITAL RETAIL Best Practices for Online Selling PAGE 12 FIXED OPS Follow the Money Trail... Straight to the Service Dept. PAGE 32 PRE-OWNED The Great CPO Disconnect PAGE 34 Register Now for Digital Dealer ORLANDO | APRIL 6-8, 2020 DIGITALDEALER.COM Exclusive Interview Meet the New NADA Chairman Rhett Ricart of Ricart Automotive Group PAGE 18 S PECIAL F EAT UR E 2 4 Digital Dealer Orlando Sessions February 2020 [ d i g i t a l d e a l e r. c o m ] 1http://www.DIGITALDEALER.COM http://www.DIGITALDEALER.COM