Two-Story Homes- Corner Lot Conditions Two-story homes should have a significant single story element. An important key technique to creating a sense of variety within a streetscene is to vary heights and profiles with single story elements. Whether it be by utilizing a covered entry or living area, the single story element introduces the transition necessary for undulation and differentiation in the elevations. Criteria: * On corner lots, the second-story wall plane shall be setback from the first story wall plane on the side street edge by a minimum 5 feet. * Color and materials used on the front elevation shall wrap to the side elevation and terminate at a logical location. * Window treatments on the second-story front elevation shall be used on the second-story side elevation. * Upper level massing offsets include: * A cantilevered massing offset that projects 3 or more feet. * Style-appropriate details, like corbels, braces, or outlookers. * The cantilever can take the form of a second floor overhang, a roof over driveway, or a projecting balcony feature (covered or uncovered). * Variable setbacks in elevation. * The cantilevered element should work to enhance the second floor architecture and de-emphasize the garage door opening below. General Architectural Criteria 2-14