2.7 SINGLE STORY HOMES The majority of the homes in Phase 1 will be single story. In order to create visual diversity, home plans, elevation styles, and roof design shall vary in order to create a dynamic streetscape. Single story homes should have varying roof heights and frontage articulation. 2.8 RECESSED FRONT 2ND STORY Two-story homes may be used to provide greater product diversity. Furthermore, it enhances the streetscene by creating occasional two-story massing. For example, the second story can be set back in relation to the garage face, entry covering or first story wall plane below it. Where appropriate to the style, stepping of second story mass may be used to improve the street scene. Upper level massing offsets may: * Project or recede. * The cantilevered element should work to enhance the second floor architecture and de-emphasize the garage. Should be purposeful for the interior living space and complementary to the exterior elevation. * A cantilevered massing offset that projects 3 or more feet. This can take the form of a second floor overhang, a roof over driveway, or a projecting balcony feature (covered or uncovered). Refer to Section 3 for lot development standards. General Architectural Criteria 2-16